Think Carefully 9

Spanking Photos

By Jonathan Quincy Graves

{ Note: This is the ninth installment of this story. If you have not read the previous chapters, this one will make more sense to you if you do. The opener can be found here: Think Carefully. }

After breakfast Saturday morning, John stood in front of the fridge to study his posted chores for the week. He was probably looking for some embedded tricks or landmines to set him up for a spanking. There were none, but I admit that each chore listed required much more than one might think from a casual reading. Only two of the chores, “Breakfast”—we’d just eaten—and “Straighten the Bedroom,” were required to be completed today. So, after a few minutes, John headed upstairs. I’d given him some tips on what was required to earn a top rating of 5 for that chore. It was more than flinging the blankets into position and tossing his dirty socks in the hamper.

I headed to our den to check out John’s computer. I asked him for his passcode yesterday, and caught him in the act of modifying his internet history file last night. Now, I owned the passcode and had complete access to all the records of my husband’s secrets. The idea was to gain a better understanding of John’s kinks. He asked me to spank him, and I agreed, but I wondered what other fetishes turned him on. There might be some other obsession stimulating his little brain I could join him in. I did a mental wringing of my hands along with a villainous “Mua-ha-hah” as I sat down before his machine. And like the villain said as he tied the maiden to the railroad tracks, “This is going to be fun.”

John had gotten as far as bringing up his search history last night, and I tagged that screen so I did not have to go looking for it this morning. My husband is a history buff, so I was not surprised to see tracks to several history blogs. The next thing I noticed, and they were far more numerous than the history blogs, were sites whose common thread was “” The first part of that, BDSM, is a familiar acronym—I hope John’s not seriously into whips and chains. Most of those games are way beyond my vanilla interests. Although, I suppose spanking might fall under the BDSM umbrella. No idea what the LR might stand for, if anything.

John also visited a few sites. I’m familiar with tumblr. You can find some interesting and even useful information on some of those blogs. When I tried to enter the ones John visits, however, they came up with a blank screen with the label “Mature Content.” I didn’t waste time with those. They required John’s sign-in credentials, which I did not have.

I tried visiting some of the websites, and they all seem to start with an “advertisement” consisting of a naked young girl stimulating herself. Beyond that, some sites offered a few captioned spanking photos or movie shorts, but as with the “mature” tumblr sites, one needs to register and sign-in for full access. Clearly, John is registered. Not knowing what name and password he uses, I could go no further into those sites. There was no need to. What little I saw was more than enough to justify any number of spankings of my naughty husband.

Some pictures had me blushing, but I broke into laughter with one image of an attractive, mature, fully dressed woman and the caption: “If you love him, cage his cock and train him.” The creator uses the moniker: “dogtanian69.” I would not have guessed this topic would interest John, and maybe it doesn’t, but apparently Marissa’s advice that I take control of John’s orgasms was not a topic of which John was completely ignorant.

I gave Marissa a call and told her what I’d found so far.

“Oh, my dear,” Marissa said. “I’m sure you have just scratched the surface. Those sites are filled with images, many with captions catering to all sorts of fetishes. You would no doubt learn a great deal about your boy by visiting them, but you’ll learn more determining the particular images John has chosen to download.”

“You think John is collecting spanking photos from these sites and storing them on his computer?”

“I’d be very surprised if he is not,” Marissa said. “Have you looked through his file folders?”

“I wasn’t sure what I was looking for, but did a quick scan. Judging by the folder names, nothing seems suspicious. At least nothing jumps out as an obvious place to store porn.”

“So, your boy is exercising some little care to avoid revealing his fetish. Start by opening the programs he uses to display and modify photos to see what file folders are linked.”

After checking the programs Marissa suggested with no success, I said, “What should we try next?”

“Next,” Marissa said, “I’d try a search for files of a specific type. You could look for JPG files, which is probably the format of most of John’s collection, but they are so common you’d end up with hundreds of hits on innocent photos. Try searching for PNG files. They’re less widely used, but if he’s done a lot of downloading, he probably has a few in his collection.”

“This may take a while,” I said, initiating a global search for the PNG file type. Then, “Bingo! Oh, that naughty boy.” I navigated to the folder with the most hits. “He’s saved dozens of spanking photos. No, scores. No, hundreds! There are four-hundred-thirty-seven pictures in this one folder!”

“Are other suspect folders in the same directory?” Marissa asked.

“Let me look.” I went up a level and discovered there were three more folders under that directory. I clicked on them in turn. “He has a separate folder for RTF files. I assume those are stories he’s saved. There’s a folder labelled ‘Temp.’ Looks like mostly more RTF files. And a folder for video files. From the icons, they appear to be short spanking videos. No, wait a minute…” I looked closer and called up a video whose icon caught my attention.

“Well, that’s just plain weird,” I said.

“What did you find?”

“I don’t know how to describe it.” I sensed I was blushing and briefly wondered if Marissa could tell. “The camera is looking up between a pair of legs at the underside of a man bent over. I can’t see any faces, just two pairs of legs and part of the man’s stomach. It looks like the man has some kind of metal thing on his penis, but…” I cleared my throat. “She’s wearing a plastic rod at her crotch and pumping it in and out of the man.” That’s as much detail as I could bring myself to describe. I’d no idea people did this. It must be humiliating for the man. I continued to watch even though I found the scene repelling. At the same time, it was weirdly intriguing. I muted the audio, which consisted of rhythmic grunts from the man, but let the video continue.

“Ah,” Marissa said. “That’s called pegging. Some men are into that type of humiliation, and if he is in chastity, that may be the only kind of intercourse his wife will let him have.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No, think about it. Some men who are into being spanked by their wife or partner get off on the humiliation of being over a woman’s lap for punishment, either in their fantasies or in actuality. The woman is in the dominant role and the man submissive. Pegging plays to the same arrangement. The woman bends her man over and fucks him—if you’ll excuse the language— playing the male role and demonstrating her dominance over her partner.”

“That’s… Well, I keep using the word weird, but that’s what it is,” I said. “But what did you mean when you said the wife might only allow him… this?”

“The metal thing on the man’s penis is a chastity cage.” (While Marissa talked, I watched it swing back and forth in the video.) “I’ve mentioned them to you before. If their sized right, they prevent a man from having an erection so he cannot masturbate. Again, it’s a power thing. Women put their men into chastity so they control if and when their man can orgasm. Some go so far as to keep their man in more or less permanent chastity and only permit him to expel seminal fluid through stimulation of the prostate gland. If the man has been deprived for a sufficient period, pegging may provide enough stimulation for this release. The husband does not have a full orgasm, but the accumulated semen is flushed from his body while not relieving him of his pent-up sexual appetite.”

The video ran its course to a blank screen, and my attention was back on our conversation. “You’re kidding,” I said again. “Isn’t that kind of cruel? I mean, the husband can’t like it very much.”

“Presumably not,” Marissa said, “but these things all play to the poor dears’ fantasies. More men than you might guess spend hours viewing images and videos, and reading countless stories that feature these three activities. And spanking, chastity and pegging all have their own rewards for the woman in the relationship.”

I replayed the pegging video with the audio muted. “I don’t understand how the wife benefits from these games.”

“It all comes down to dominance and submission,” Marissa said. “For example, in pegging, the wife is playing the man’s role, treating her husband as a woman. In traditional society, the man is expected to be dominant—to be in charge. By fucking her husband, the wife is telling her mate that he does not wear the pants in their relationship; she does. In many of those marriages, the husband is forced to wear elements of women’s clothing to further emphasize that power reversal. At the extreme end, the man is turned into a fully feminized sissy with hormone pills or shots and even implants for breasts and buttocks.”

“Eww,” I said, “that sounds fairly revolting.”

“It’s an acquired taste,” Marissa said.

“You’ve mentioned male chastity before,” I said. “How does the wife benefit from that? Wouldn’t depriving the husband of sex automatically deprive his wife at the same time?”

“As with pegging, it’s all about power,” Marissa said. “If a wife controls her husband’s sexual activities, she controls him. A healthy adult male typically has sex with his wife about once-a-week. During that same week, he may masturbate almost daily.”

“I don’t believe John…”

“Tell me again how many spanking photos John has in his collection? Why do you think he collects them in the first place?”

“I suppose,” I said, “but still…”

“Some men masturbate more than once a day,” Marissa said. “Whatever John’s habits in that regard, a chastity device will put a stop to them. As for you, there are more ways than one for a husband to pleasure his wife. And if John is deprived of release, his libido will grow and he’ll become more and more interested in pleasing you. Never again will he pop off, roll over, and go to sleep, leaving you unsatisfied.”

“John’s pretty good,” I said. “That doesn’t happen very often.”

“So you say,” Marissa said. “It need never happen again. In addition, the presence of a device on John’s cock will serve to remind him constantly of his condition and your power over him. This will increase his arousal and yours as well. You will go about your day knowing that John is thinking about you and your power to grant him relief… or not. It will be your sole decision. This is one male fantasy that, in practice, becomes all about the woman and what she wants.

“I’ll send you a couple URLs for chastity devices. Make a game out of measuring John for a proper fit, and selecting a suitable device for him to wear. One word of advice: do not order a chastity cage that is too big. A large cage may allow him to get hard and/or escape. It is always better to err on the small side.

“When you get the device and put it on him, make sure that you keep all the keys. It’s only chastity if he cannot remove the cage whenever he wants. And don’t be in any hurry to let him out. The benefits to you go up markedly the longer you keep him chaste.”

“I’m getting turned on just listening to you talk about it,” I said. “Think I’ll go up to the bedroom and see how John is progressing on his chores. This discussion has got me in the mood to spank some naked male tush, and his hidden gallery of four-hundred-thirty-seven spanking photos gives me more than enough justification.”

END of Part 9

The story continues with Think Carefully 10 

Copyright © 2023 by Jonathan Quincy Graves. All rights reserved.  Please do not repost or use for any commercial purpose without written approval from the author.

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  1. Crimson Kid on December 4, 2023 at 10:31 pm

    It’s legally assault and battery to spank an adult without his/her consent, so were John to do so to his wife and/or Marissa, she/they could have him arrested and charged.

    There’s a reason it’s called a Dominant/submissive relationship, after all.

    No decent author has an established relationship suddenly reverse itself out of the blue… –C.K.

    • Clarence on December 5, 2023 at 12:15 pm

      Actually, as far as BDSM is concerned I think it is technically illegal in every political subdivision in the entire US. I used to (for over ten years) belong to a legal organization that advocated on behalf of consensual BDSM, and so I learned alot about this. Sure there are places where it is ‘tolerated’ by the Powers That Be and enforcement is lax unless someone gets badly hurt or you get a serious complaint (In other words they don’t go snooping around trying to catch you doing it) – mostly a few big metro areas on the East and West coasts. They even allow ‘dungeons’ or bdsm ‘clubs’ under their ‘adult ‘ zoning laws even if they are not specifically technically allowed by the laws in question. But these are exceptions. In fact, you can’t even draw up a contract like in a boxing match (this was something that was suggested but never passed anywhere to my knowledge) where you give the other adult or business or whatever a legal pass for whatever injuries you sustain. Nope, legally everywhere spanking is battery and/or aggravated assault. Parents and guardians still have some limited ability to do it in most jurisdictions, there’s still about 20 states where it is even allowed in schools. Yet even in those areas, two adults can not legally spank each other, not for fun, and certainly not for ‘domestic discipline’. Of course the authorities won’t mess with you for a ‘play spanking’ that leaves not a single bruise and the spankee is laughing. But anything else will probably be enforced if they get any complaints and it will be treated as assault and battery, no matter what the ‘spankee’ says or desires.

      • Jonathan Quincy Graves on December 5, 2023 at 1:22 pm

        Thanks for this, Clarence. Whenever the question arises, I am always quick to point out that the name of this site is: Jonathan Quincy Graves Spanking Fiction. Fiction being the operative term. My writings are provided for the enjoyment of the reader. They are neither biographical nor meant as a guide for someone’s action in life.

  2. izzy guanolupee on November 30, 2023 at 1:48 pm

    This just keeps getting better. Thanks. -izzy

  3. Judd James on November 26, 2023 at 1:29 pm

    It appears that John’s bottom might soon be in a horizontal position over his wife’s knee. She will probably find any excuse to spank him even if he has cleaned the bedroom better than anyone ever has. Will John agree or will he spank her instead and maybe that nosy Marissa too first chance he gets.

    Jonathan, any new novels planned for an Amazon released novel soon? ETA?

    • Jonathan Quincy Graves on November 26, 2023 at 4:31 pm

      Hello Judd,
      I love the image of John spanking Marissa, but I doubt it will happen (other than in his imagination).
      I am working on another book in the Honeymoon Training series, but can’t give you an estimate. Been busy times lately.

  4. robbi on November 24, 2023 at 6:55 am

    I have always been of the opinion that the best way to truly subjugate a man is to deprive him of all access to money…
    I’m curious to see what else lies ahead for John and whether he’ll go along with it, or if he draw a line so as not to be completely exploited.

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